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Friday, November 13, 2009

Top 10 Myths about Forex

Forex is a market where exchange of one currency with another currency takes place. It’s the market which provides accessibility and liquidity to the traders to buy and sell one foreign currency in exchange of another.

Forex traders seek profit in buying currencies low and selling them high. This kind of trading became more popular with the widespread of the on-line Forex brokers. There is a lot of information available about Forex on the web. However there also many myths surrounding the foreign exchange market:

  1. Forex trading is easy. Many people that want to dive into the world of the foreign exchange market believe that the Forex trading is easy — you just read a book or two and then you will be able to earn daily profits with just 2-3 hours trading daily. Others think that they can buy a profitable strategy and it will make them rich in Forex. In reality that’s just a myth. Succeeding in Forex isn’t easier than mastering any other profession — it takes time, money and a lot of practice.
  2. "I will make money in Forex, if I can trade stocks successfully." Success in stock market doesn’t imply that you will get success in Forex market — there are many differences between trading stocks and the spot currencies. First of all, Forex market requires a lot of hard work and dedication as this market is open for 24 hours a day. You cannot just sit in front of your computer for the whole day and night, so the best way is that you should find the most suitable time periods for trading. Second, “buy&hold„ strategy simply won’t work in Forex market. Third, you don’t have that much information about currencies as you can get from the companies’ reports and statistics.
  3. "I can make profit whenever I want if Forex market is open 24 hours a day." Once again, you won’t be sitting in front of your PC for the whole day to be able to trade 24 hours. You’ll have to develop automated trading software to get the advantage of 24 hours a day working schedule.
  4. "I can be a successful Forex trader just following someone else’s signals." Many beginning traders get burned by the blind signal-following. That’s like putting away the whole responsibility for your actions to someone else. That may sound cool, but in reality you end up with the huge losses. Learn to rely on your own knowledge and skills. Remember that there were no great signal-followers in any financial market.
  5. No commission is to be paid in Forex market. You only have to pay the spread, but you don’t have to pay the commission. And what’s spread? It is the difference between the buy and sell price of the currency pair at the same moment. You may end up with the major part of your profits in the broker’s hands if you plan to rely on the short-term trading.
  6. Forex is a scam. Some skeptics and disappointed traders think that Forex is just some new fad to scam people for their hard earned money. Although there are many scams that are hiding behind the "brand" of Forex, that doesn’t mean that the Forex itself is a scam. There are many institutional Forex brokers, regulated Forex account managers and other solid companies in the market to whom you can trust.
  7. "I need to exactly predict the market outcome to be profitable in Forex." There is no scientific method to know something in advance in the market with a 100% certainty. There would be no Forex market if you could know the exact currency rates beforehand. Trading is not the game of certainties; it’s a game of odds. One of the first things that new traders learn is to think in the terms of probabilities and risk-to-reward ratios.
  8. "I need to use a very complex strategy to be successful in Forex." It’s a popular myth, in which many on-line sellers would want you to believe. The main requirement to be successful in Forex is a self-discipline and money management. There are many traders that make consistent profits with rather simple and old strategies.
  9. "I need to have a lot of starting capital to get profit in Forex." Big capital investment won’t help you in Forex. You don’t need a lot of money to diversify in currencies and you can’t move the currency rates with your trading orders (you’d need billions of dollars to do that). Actually you can trade with a very a little capital, because Forex trading is almost always leveraged with the broker’s money.
  10. Forex is gambling because it’s completely random. Although there is no certainty in Forex (as in any financial market) it doesn’t mean that it’s completely random. And it’s certainly not a gambling, since your success in this market depends mostly on your skills and experience, not on your luck.

Knowledge is power — so it’s better for you to learn distinguishing some stereotypical myths from the real thing. Don’t fall for the promises of getting some easy profits in Forex, but don’t be afraid of the market just because some people think it’s not possible to earn there. Be rational — this quality will help you either if you are going to trade in Forex or not.

Fundamental Factors behind Major Currencies

Every currency traded in Forex is influenced by the conditions in its country of origin, and the external relations that affect its value. Economic Indicators (GDP growth, import/export trade accounts), social factors (unemployment rate, real estate market conditions) and the country’s central bank policy are the factors that determine the currency value in the Forex market. Each one of the six major currencies has its particularities, and we are going to analyze the fundamentals that drive the currencies individually.

The U.S. dollar (USD) is the most traded currency in the Forex market. It is also used as a measure to evaluate other currencies and commodities. The reserves in USD are by far the largest being held by different nations, and they compose 64% of the world reserves. Globally speaking, the fundamentals that drive the U. S. Dollar are several. Since the largest amount of metallic commodities and the oil are mostly traded with prices in USD, significant demand variations in these markets will reflect directly on the currency value, as it happened in 2008 with the EUR/USD reaching 1.60, being the oil price a big contributor for this event. In the domestic market, the biggest factor that has been moving the dollar are the industry indicators and the real estate boom, and both were caused by an unsustainable credit system which could not be paid, causing a domino effect in the United States economy, and consequently, worldwide. During the last few years, the USD has been losing ground for other currencies, thanks to the credit bubble, and erroneous social policies, but it will still remain as one of the most powerful currencies for an undetermined period of time.

The euro (EUR) is by far the newest currency traded among the major pairs traded on Forex markets. It is used by 16 European Union member countries and it tends to enlarge during the next few years. The fundamental factors that move the Euro are often based on the strongest economies using the new common currency, such as: France, Italy and mainly Germany. The countries’ indicators regarding export trade, inflation and unemployment rate tend to have a high impact on the EUR movements, considering that countries such as Germany are larger exporters of manufactures and technology. Europe still remains an energy dependant from the Russian gas and the Middle Eastern Oil, making higher demands for these commodities to have a negative reflect on the European Union common currency.

The pound sterling (GBP) is the national currency of the United Kingdom, and the fundamental factors that move it are as complex and variable as the British economy and its global influence. The London commodity market plays a fundamental role in the GBP trends, being a reference for oil and gold trading. Nevertheless, as a powerful and globally dynamic economy, the United Kingdom indicators, social situation and the housing sector are perhaps the main determinant factors for the GBP price. Lately, the British economy has faced inflation issues, which led the interest rates to be cut, industrial recession, and other domestic factors that made the trading movements to naturally flow from the GBP towards other strong economically backed currencies, such as the EUR.

The Japanese yen (JPY) is the strongest and by far the most traded currency in the Asian market. Japan’s economy is mainly orientated to the industrial production exportation, and the economic situation of its main commercial partner, the USA, tends to have a direct influence on the JPY market. The JPY is a low-yield currency, being the GBP/JPY the most volatile pair traded on Forex, usually the scalper’s favorite one.

Switzerland is a small country located in the European Alps, yet, its strong international trade and money influx, made the Swiss franc (CHF), one of the main currencies traded on Forex. The CHF is often preferred by low yield investors. In times of financial instability, such as for the last years with the USD, many traders choose the CHF as a safe investment. The CHF trends can be often compared to those of the gold, increasing their value while other markets’ tends to depreciate during economic downturns.

The Canadian Dollar (CAD) faces a similar situation with the other commodity currencies, being majorly an export-dependable. Most of the Canadian production is exported to the USA. Facing the very same credit bubble problem that dragged America into recession, Canada has to deal also with a decreasing demand for all commodities. The CAD usually correlates positively with the prices for the all commodities.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Bank of Canada Pushes Loonie Down

After trading near parity with the U.S. dollar this month, the Canadian dollar was pushed away from equality with the greenback as the national central bank published a report on the subject, as well as stocks and commodities declined today.

Several events extended losses for the Canadian dollar versus most of the 16 main traded currencies, specially the pound and the U.S. dollar, starting with Bank of Canada declaration suggesting that interest rates will remain low in the country as long as inflation doesn’t rebound, as well as another warning showing concerns regarding the current Canadian dollar strength. The loonie’s attractiveness has been deeply affected since the Bank of Canada started to indicate that a strong currency can be an obstacle for the economic rebound in the country, and that interventions will be taken if the currency rally reaches unwelcome levels, fact which has been playing a major role in this week’s decline for the Canadian dollar.

Not only Bank of Canada’s position affected the loonie today, but also a negative day in equities and commodities markets, according to specialists. Differently for other commodity-linked currencies like the Australian dollar, the current loonie rally is being interpreted as a problem for the future of the Canadian economy, as it is likely that its rates will be synthetically influenced by the national central bank in the short-term future.

USD/CAD traded at 1.0461 as of 15:09 GMT from 1.0403 yesterday.

If you want to comment on the Canadian dollar’s recent action or have any questions regarding this currency, please, feel free to reply below.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Dollar Down from Record High on Chinese Economic Concerns

The U.S. dollar rose after extending once again its record high for 2009 after China missed slightly its quarterly growth forecasts, and economic stimulus in the country will continue for a certain amount of time, suggesting the country is not so recovered as previous expected.

The euro fell below $1.50 against the dollar after touching the highest rates in 14 months in a movement that can be interpreted as corrective, since stocks fell globally, helping the dollar to gain the most versus commodity linked currencies like its Australian counterpart, and also emergent market options in Asia like the South Korean won, and in Latin America like the Brazilian real. The dollar also gained against the Swedish krona, after the Riksbank, Sweden’s central financial institution maintained interested rates at an all time record low, showing that the Nordic nation still needs the support from the government to expand its faltering economy.

Analysts suggest that today’s movement was mainly fueled by a risk averse day in stocks, as the dollar declined several days in a row, today corrections are profit taking are being made by some investors, leaving a breather for the greenback. It is unlikely that the dollar will revert its losing trend on the mid-term, as the Federal Reserve has expressed no concerns regarding a weaker currency.

EUR/USD traded at 1.4989 as of 11:59 GMT after touching 1.5046 yesterday. AUD/USD traded at 0.9229 from 0.9328.

If you want to comment on the U.S. dollar’s recent action or have any questions regarding this currency, please, feel free to reply below.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Finance firms likely to know more about us

Australia's decision to give financiers greater access to people's credit histories has given New Zealand's finance industry hope that our Government will do the same.

The Australian Government has accepted many of the recommendations of an Australian Law Reform Commission report into privacy - including that the country move to positive credit reporting.

New Zealand and Australia are unusual among OECD countries in retaining negative credit reporting.

This means credit agencies can keep only limited data on a person, including "negative" aspects such as whether they have defaulted on bills or been bankrupted.

Credit reports show how many times a person has applied for credit, but not what for or whether it was approved.

Under a positive system, the agencies would be able to keep more comprehensive records, including items such as mortgage and credit card details and repayment histories.

The finance industry says this would help it make better lending decisions, refusing credit to those who are overstretched and giving a second chance to people who have run into trouble in the past.

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The Privacy Commissioner is conducting a review of our own Credit Reporting Privacy Code, and had been waiting to see which way the Australians would go.

"The Australian situation will influence the sort of decisions we take in New Zealand," Commissioner Marie Shroff told a New Zealand Credit and Finance Institute Conference last week.

"We are mindful of continuing the alignment that currently exists where that will be useful."

Australia is looking at adding four new pieces of information to personal credit files:

The type of each current credit account - mortgage, credit card, personal loan, etc

The date each account was opened

The limit on each account

The date each account was closed.

It will also look at making payment records available, but only once proposed new responsible lending obligations are introduced.

This is broadly in line with what the New Zealand credit reporting and finance industry wants.

In reference group discussions held by the Privacy Commissioner as part of her review, there was general agreement that credit reports should list the type of credit and amount approved, the lending institution, whether the account was open or closed and relevant dates, and the repayment history over two years.

Credit and Finance Institute president David Young said any move Australia made in this regard "points us in the right direction".

It was likely New Zealand would follow suit - "The main users of such information are the banks, and who owns them?"

Credit agencies have been lobbying for a shift to comprehensive reporting.

In August, Veda Advantage started a points system giving all Kiwis a creditworthiness score.

The range is from minus 330 to plus 1000. Most people are expected to rate over zero, although those with a score of less than 100 will find it difficult to obtain credit.

Veda's local head John Roberts has said the system would become more relevant if New Zealand moved to positive reporting.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Exchange rate offers opportunity

In finance, what one sees as a threat, another sees as an opportunity. At present, New Zealand's exchange rate threatens exporters and farmers but gives an opportunity for importers and smart investors.

This is an excellent time to make offshore investments.

Exchange rate fluctuations increase the volatility that markets naturally have, so offshore investments are more volatile.

Shifting money offshore when the kiwi is high reduces some downside risk. The kiwi may go higher yet, but against many currencies we are above long-term average levels.

New Zealand investors should have at least 40 per cent of their portfolios offshore because:

1. New Zealand is a small and brittle economy largely dependent on the delicate industries of agriculture and tourism. It is not hard to imagine scenarios which would skittle the economy, such as an outbreak of foot and mouth disease. Offshore assets would be a godsend if New Zealand had an economic crisis.

2. New Zealanders usually have offshore liabilities in the sense that many want to travel and all of us consume offshore goods. You should match any liability with a similar asset, so it makes sense to match your desire to buy foreign goods and to travel with offshore investments.

3. Offshore investments offer opportunities not available here - emerging markets, technology or industries.

Sometimes people want offshore investments but do not think the time is right to buy foreign shares or managed funds. The answer is to buy foreign exchange (FX) but to hold this in cash for the time being.

The easiest way to hold FX is through your bank - nearly all local banks have FX accounts. You can open one in any currency and your money is as secure as the bank you use. You get interest on the account corresponding with prevailing interest rates in the country whose currency you choose. Shop around as fees for FX accounts vary.

Troquer Forex-Forex Trading

Les opérations de change est excitant et potentiellement très rentable, mais il ya aussi des facteurs de risque significatifs. It is crucially important that you fully understand the implications of margin trading and the particular pitfalls and opportunities that foreign exchange trading offers. Il est extrêmement important que vous compreniez pleinement les implications des opérations sur marge et les pièges et des possibilités particulières que les étrangers Trading offre d'échange. On these pages, we offer you a brief introduction to the Forex markets as well as their participants and some strategies that you can apply. Sur ces pages, nous vous offrons une brève introduction aux marchés Forex ainsi que de leurs participants et quelques stratégies que vous pouvez appliquer. However, if you are ever in doubt about any aspect of a trade, you can always discuss the matter in-depth with one of our dealers. Toutefois, si vous avez des doutes sur n'importe quel aspect d'un métier, on peut toujours discuter de la question en profondeur avec l'un de nos revendeurs. They are available 24 hours a day on the Saxo Bank online trading system, SaxoTrader. Ils sont disponibles 24 heures par jour sur la Saxo Bank système commercial en ligne, SaxoTrader.
The benchmark of its service is efficient execution, concise analysis and expertise – all achieved whilst maintaining an attractive and competitive cost structure. L'indice de référence de son service est une exécution efficace, l'analyse concise et d'expertise - tout en maintenant une structure réalisée attractif et compétitif des coûts. Today, Saxo Bank offers one of Europe's premier all-round services for trading in derivative products and foreign exchange. Aujourd'hui, Saxo Bank offre l'une des principales de l'Europe des services tout-rond pour le négoce des produits dérivés et de devises. We count amongst our employees numerous dealers and analysts, each of whom has many years experience and a wide and varied knowledge of the markets – gained both in our home countries and in international financial centres. Nous comptons parmi nos employés nombreux négociants et les analystes, dont chacun a une longue expérience et une connaissance large et variée des marchés - acquise tant dans nos pays d'origine et dans les centres financiers internationaux. When trading foreign exchange, futures and other derivative products, we offer 24-hour service, extensive daily analysis, individual access to our Research & Analysis department for specific queries, and immediate execution of trades through our international network of banks and brokers. Les opérations de change à terme et autres produits dérivés, nous offrons un service 24 heures, quotidiennes d'analyse approfondie, l'accès individuel à notre département Recherche et analyse pour des requêtes spécifiques, et l'exécution immédiate des opérations par l'entremise de notre réseau international de banques et courtiers. All at a price considerably lower than that which most companies and private investors normally have access to. Tout à un prix nettement inférieur à celui auquel la plupart des entreprises et des investisseurs privés ont normalement accès.
The combination of our strong emphasis on customer service, our strategy and trading recommendations, our strategic and individual hedging programmes, along with the availability to our clients of the latest news and information builds a strong case for trading an individual account through Saxo Bank. La combinaison de nos fortement l'accent sur le service à la clientèle, notre stratégie et des recommandations commerciales, nos programmes de couverture stratégique et individuelles, ainsi que la disponibilité pour nos clients des dernières nouvelles et des informations constitue un cas solide pour la négociation d'un compte individuel auprès de Saxo Bank.
Terms of trading are agreed individually depending on the volume of your transactions, but are generally much lower in cost when compared to banks and brokers. Modalités de la négociation sont d'accord individuellement en fonction du volume de vos transactions, mais sont généralement beaucoup moins coûteux par rapport aux banques et aux courtiers. Your margin deposit can be cash or government securities, bank guarantees etc. Large corporate or institutional clients may be offered trading facilities on the strength of their balance sheet. Votre dépôt de marge ne peut être en espèces ou de titres du gouvernement, des garanties bancaires, etc Grand clients corporatifs ou institutionnels mai offrir des installations de négociation sur la force de leur bilan. The minimum deposit accepted for an individual trading account depends on the account type. Le dépôt minimum accepté pour un compte titres individuel dépend du type de compte. Trade confirmations and real-time account overview are built into SaxoTrader, while further account information can be produced in accordance with your specific requirements. Les confirmations d'opérations et aperçu temps réel des comptes sont intégrés dans SaxoTrader, tandis que d'autres informations de compte peuvent être produits en fonction de vos besoins spécifiques.

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Italy Forex Trade

As a member of the EU, Italy is very active in European trade, and is part of the EU’s single market. Italy is a major trade partner of most European countries, as well as the US and much of Asia.
Private enterprise and entrepreneurship is easily possibele in Italy. World Bank data suggest that it has favorable conditions for business, investment, and trading.
However, its bureaucratic agencies, corruption, and limited property rights hinder its high levels of business freedom. Moreover, high taxes and large public consumption (half of GDP) worsen these conditions.
Since about 1999, Italy has employed a tough fiscal policy to adhere to the Economic and Monetary Union requirements. As such, it has expereinced lower interest rates and lower inflation rates. Since then, in 1999, Italy has used the Euro (when it was introduced).
Italy Exports
Italy is famous for its revered design, whether in the fashion, automotive, or architectural industries. Consquently, many of the nation’s exports are cars and fashion.
The FIAT Group one of the largest industrial firms in the country and produces the following automobiles, all which are exported:


# Lancia

# Alfa Romeo

# Maserati

# Lamborghini

Other ultra-high end cars Itlay produces and exports include Pagani and Bugatti, but the limited number exported is minute compared to the entire Italian economy.
Italy is also famous for its motorcycle exports, specifically those from Ducati, Aprilia, and Piaggio. Bimota is a niche brand which represents just a fraction of Italy’s motorcycle exports.
The fashion Itlay produces and exports includes brands such as:
# Armani

# Valentino

# Docle & Gabbana

# Versace

# Ellesse

# Roberto Cavalli

# Tod’s

# Benetton

# Luxottica

# Prada

Italy’s food industry is another major exporter, which includes the following brands:
# Baci

# Ferrero

# Barilla

# Campari

# Martini & Rossi

# Parmalat

It has been said that if Italy produced oil it could be one of Europe’s largest economies. But the firm Eni does refine oil and export it. Italy is also home to industrial and consumer chemical production (SACI).
Its home appliances include brands Candy and Merloni, while the defense technology and aerospace names include Agusta, Alenia, and Finmeccanica, while Beretta is a major exporter of firearms.
Italy Imports
While Italy has a huge range of climates and natural features, ideal for mining, cultivation of crops, fish, livestock, and other natural resources, the majority of raw materials its industries require are imported.
More than three-quarters of the country’s energy needs are also imported. This is an issue for Italy, and therefore it has one of the most advanced and efficient energy systems of any country. But in the end, the plants that power these systems sitll rely on gas.
As a safeguard, Italy has reserves of about two months of gas – perhaps the largest amount of gas reserves in the world. As such, gas is a critical import.
Some of the other major imported goods into Italy include:

# Engineering products

# Chemicals

# Transport equipment

# Energy products (gas)

# Minerals and nonferrous metals

# Textiles and clothing

# Food

# Beverages

# Tobacc

An Introduction to Futures & Commodity Trading

Know more about futures trading. The article provides information about futures trading, advantages of futures trading, futures trading styles, types of futures contract available and futures trading brokers. Will be beneficial for all those interested in trading futures and commodities.
Futures trading are the trading of contracts called futures contracts, which provides the owner the power to trade the underlying commodity at somewhere in the future for a fixed rate. The rate is usually the price rate of the contract creation. Like stocks and options trading, futures trades are done in precise centralized futures commodity trading markets like Globex and S&P.
Futures trading is becoming more and more popular, this may be because of a lot of reasons such as; simplicity in trading enabling virtually any one to trade, more liquidity of the market due to the high volume of trades done each day, the stability of market as a result of high liquidity, price stabilization between markets mostly because of arbitragers, easy in owning underlying commodity product rather than looking for reduced price values, low transfer rates imposed by trading brokers, the easy to go short or long at any time, requirement of comparatively small initial investments, easy to set up an account and trade from home, availability of mini, standard or large futures contracts, and the availability of a variety of underlying products and commodities.
Futures contracts are mainly of two types as commodity futures contracts and financial futures contracts. Commodity futures contracts are contracts which end with a physical delivery. They include agricultural commodity futures like rice, sugar, wheat, oats, soybeans etc; energy commodity futures like heating oil, crude oil, natural gas, etc; metals & stones like gold, silver, diamond etc; and others such as animals, wood etc. Financial futures contracts are contracts which end with a cash settlement. They include futures for treasury notes, mutual funds, bonds etc.
Commodity futures trading involves to steps as ‘short’ and ‘long’. ‘Going long’ means buying a contract and ‘going short’ means selling a contract. Like futures contract, futures traders can also be grouped into two large categories as Hedgers and Speculators. Hedgers are the issuers of futures contracts, doing so to tackle the risk of low price at the actual product delivery time. Speculators are the actual futures traders trading for profit. Speculators include all types of futures traders you see around like futures day traders, futures swing traders, futures position traders etc.
The two basic necessities of futures trading are the money and the trading account from a futures trading broker or Futures Commission Merchant (FCM). The initial capital investment changes according to the type of the contract you are trading, to the method of trading you follows and to the account features of futures trading broker. Simply speaking, a futures trading broker is the mediator between the trader and the futures market, who deposits the margin collected from traders to the trading market to make the trader a qualified one.
The two types of futures trading brokers are full-service brokers and discount futures trading brokers. Irrespective of the type they are responsible for maintaining trader records such as the trader’s margin deposits, money balances, open futures and transaction completed. In return of these services provided the futures trading broker will charge a fee, depending up on the trading frequency, trading volume and account status of the futures trader. In USA all these futures trading process is monitored by the federal agency Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC).
About the Author
Praveen Ortec works for, an online day trading broker offering discount online futures trading on 3 different online futures trading systems.

Learn The Ropes Of Forex Trading Online And Get Ahead Of The Game

Today the Internet has brought Forex trading to a huge audience but it would be dangerous to dive into currency trading without the appropriate level of Forex training.
The world of business nowadays is cut-throat and it pays to know what you are doing. As far as Forex trading in concerned this means that you must understand the market, the players and the stakes. You must know things like the value of the currency which you are trading, the factors that alter the value of your currency and strategies involved in trading and market trends.

As a novice to Forex trading this also means that your starting point must be some form of Forex trading education. A Forex trading course will teach you how to predict and chart the movements in the market as well as the perfect time to purchase or sell a commodity and will familiarize you with basic terminologies and the practice of trading.
As Forex trading is carried out in real time and decisions normally have to be made quickly, a trader also has to be emotionally prepared to cope with the challenges, demands and stress of the market and these will also be included in a good Forex trading course.
So precisely what should you be looking for in a Forex trading course?
A good Forex trading course should include the basics on things like leveraging, types of orders and margins which are essential in Forex transactions. It also has to teach basic terminologies, analysis and software.
Analysis is fundamental to profitable trading and a Forex course must look in some detail at both technical and fundamental analysis including the tools which are used and the pros and cons of both.
But the theories and basics of trading are not enough and good Forex course also has to cover proper money management and the development of a good trading psychology and disposition. It is all too simple for traders to become overly involved emotionally in trading and it is critical to success that traders are taught the importance of things like commitment, patience and discipline.
Probably the most important part of any Forex trading course however is the provision of an apprenticeship program allowing you to gain real-life experience. There is no better way to learn how to trade foreign currencies than through experience gained in actual trading. Forex education courses therefore should provide the opportunity to trade in a simulated environment which is as close as possible to live trading. It is also important that students are provided with the chance to discuss their trading with their fellow students and to receive one-on-one feedback as they practice trading.
For people who want to learn the rules of trading and get a good grip on the market there are many online sites which offer courses and workshops on Forex trading. These sites offer courses on technical analysis, risk and money management, trading strategies, networking, software and trading tools, fundamental analysis, market trends and much more.
Today the Internet not only represents an ideal forum for learning to trade Forex but also lets you trade from the comfort of your own home and allows both private individuals and corporations to play the game and make money in this virtual world.
Internet trading has opened up the world of Forex trading and provides the opportunity for everyone to reap substantial rewards today. But, it is very important to get hold of the knowledge that you need before you dive into trading.

German ForeX Trade

Trade Balance of Exports and Imports in US $ Billion
Main exports from Germany are motor vehicles trailers and semi-trailers, electrical machinery, chemicals and chemicals products. European countries remain the top-trading partner of Germany having 2/3 shares in Germany’s total trade. Among others countries US, China, Japan, South Africa, Canada, Brazil, Australia and South Korea are the other countries, with which Germany has substantial trade links.
After losing in the WW-II, Germany started to rebuild its economy and indeed enjoyed remarkable economic success, and this “economic miracle” made it the third-largest economy in the world after the US and Japan. The government adopted prudent fiscal and monetary policy. Also external support in the form of Marshall Plan aid, good relations between social partners, and the focus on reconstruction contributed to its rejuvenation after the devastation of the Second World War. Germany followed an economic policy with the idea of making a social market economy. This concept demanded that market forces govern the economy, with the state retaining a role in improving the fate of the underprivileged and correcting market imperfections.
Germany had a flourishing economy, which however, was forced into a decline curve after the unification of East and West Germany in 1990. It was the differences between the economic systems of the two portions that caused the economy of East Germany to deteriorate.
Trade in Goods and Services as a Percent Of GDPChallenges Facing Germany
This accompanied with the country’s ageing population and high rate of unemployment has pushed social security outlays to a level exceeding contributions from workers. In the year 2002, the economic growth fell short of 1%and in 2003 no growth was observed.
Domestic demand has been declining over the last couple of years, as poor labour market performance has weighed on consumer sentiment and business confidence. The labour market still suffers from weak economic growth and distorted incentives, with both contributing to problems in taking up work and providing employment. However, corporate restructuring and growing capital markets are laying the foundations to allow Germany to meet the long-term challenges of European economic integration and globalization.
The major challenges are to connect
iscal consolidation to public sector reform and to increase the capacity of the economy to create employment and increase productivity growth. Further, there remains considerable scope to foster the creation of new enterprises and widen product market competition, thereby also maintaining the strong innovative capacity of the economy.
Eliminating entry barriers and making more progress in reducing administrative overheads should further strengthen competition in product markets. The part of the large German procurement market which falls below EU thresholds should be opened to greater competition, requiring among other things making transparent the multitude of regulations on lower levels of government.
Furthermore, labour markets should be made more flexible and the scope for competition should be increased. Also, Reducing administrative dullness, would improve the capacity of the German economy to innovate and contribute to higher potential growth.


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competition, thereby also maintaining the strong innovative capacity of the economy.
Eliminating entry barriers and making more progress in reducing administrative overheads should further strengthen competition in product markets. The part of the large German procurement market which falls below EU thresholds should be opened to greater competition, requiring among other things making transparent the multitude of regulations on lower levels of government.
Furthermore, labour markets should be made more flexible and the scope for competition should be increased. Also, Reducing administrative dullness, would improve the capacity of the German economy to innovate and contribute to higher potential growth.

The History of Forex

The Forex trading market is a relatively new phenomenon. Never before in the history of the world have we seen such an amazing event. In only 30 years, this industry has developed from almost nothing to a daily US$1.5 trillion market. How did this happen? Was it by design? Or was it by accident?
Well the answer falls somewhere in between. There are three distinct time frames that set the stage for today's style of currency trading. The first time frame is the pre-currency trading era of the 1950s. The second time frame is the worldwide, politically volatile atmosphere of the 1970s. The third time frame is what has occurred in this free market economy since the demise of the gold standard 30 years ago. In each time frame, there have been three catalysts: war, gold, and foreign banks- that have played a significant role in propelling currency development